LTA Independent Learning: Why Coaches LOVE It!
Read on and find out why coaches love independent learning…
I loved speaking to Merlin Van de Braam, the LTA Head of Coach Development on the My Tennis Journey podcast which I host.
On reflection, one of the things that really stood out to me was Merlin’s thoughts on LTA Independent Learning. Largely, because they reflect my experiences of Independent Learning as a coach.
Before we get to that though, what is Independent Learning? In the words of the LTA…
‘Independent learning allows coaches to source quality and relevant CPD that is based on their needs and interests, and be awarded CPD credits upon successful reflection of learning for activities completed in the last 12 months. This will include a flexible range of formal and informal learning and can be outside of the core LTA offering.’
Independent Learning is split into two areas. Formal learning - such as face to face workshops. And informal learning - such as listening to a podcast or reading a book.
Now don’t get me wrong there are some amazing courses out there (both from the LTA, official providers and independent suppliers) and listening to a podcast or reading a book can’t replace the experience of being on court and learning from an experienced tutor and your peers.
But as part of the Continuous Professional Development mix, listening to a podcast can be a fantastic way of learning about a subject that you are passionate about or want to know more about. A fantastic way of improving your knowledge and your offer.
One of the things I’ve loved about Independent Learning is that during lockdown and this pandemic it hasn’t always been possible to get out and about to a course. But we can of course read a book, listen to a podcast. And I know just how busy coaches can be when they are coaching and doing all the off court stuff we need to do…but it’s still possible to find time to read a book, listen to a podcast. And maybe that’s why coaches love independent learning as part of their Continuous Professional Development mix. It’s just so convenient.
My Tennis Journey has some episodes which are particularly well suited to Independent Learning and I’ve listed these below.
Merlin Van de Braam: The New LTA Coach Development Plan (we cover Independent Learning after 34m 25 secs)
Callum Gowling: Mental Health and Coaching
Abbie Breakwell: Rising Wheelchair Tennis Star
Keith Carder: Introducing The ITF World Tennis Number
Julie Blackwood: A Compelling Case For Sports Psychology
Tom Gibbins: LTA Head of Education and Community
Why not give Independent Learning a try?
Listen to one of the podcasts above and then head to this LTA Independent Learning form where you can fill in what you’ve learnt through your Independent Learning and it will be then sent off to the LTA Coaching Team.
If you’d like to find out more, please do head to the LTA website and their section on Independent Learning where they have very kindly listed My Tennis Journey alongside other excellent podcasts like Dan Kiernan’s Control The Controllables.
If you’re not really a podcast person, but would still like to give Independent Learning a try - then how about reading a book? One of my favourite books is called The Inner Game of Tennis. It was first published in 1972 - but its advice and guidance on the mental side of tennis is just as relevant now as it ever was. Most definitely worth a read!