Let’s Make LTA Junior County Cup Better: Survey Results, LTA Meeting and Next Steps
Back in 2023, changes were made to LTA County Cup 11U-14U that undoubtedly had good intentions but have resulted - I think - in a competition that just isn’t quite as good as it used to. The objectives behind the changes were worthy but as I hope my original blog post on LTA County Cup 11U-14U shows the actions taken are not resulting in the objective being met.
I set out to find out if County coaches and parents of players think the same way as I do or if they believe the changes are a good thing. To do this I put a survey live with some questions and a section where people could add their thoughts and ideas. I’m delighted to be able to share the survey results with you alongside news of my meeting with a member of the LTA competitions team and what the next steps are. A massive thanks to each and every person who took the time to share thoughts and ideas.
Suffice to say, I see this as the beginning of a campaign for change not the end of one!
Now for the results…please do watch the video below for the full story…but here’s one key result as a taster.
98.6% of respondents do not believe it’s fair that the majority of Counties have no chance of qualifying for the Finals even if they win their group.
Please do play the YouTube video above for the full story!
Alternatively, please do play here.
Here’s a quote I want to end this blog post on. It’s a quote from a player - given via his folks - about the changes…I think this sort of sums up the position.
What one LTA County Cup player had to say about the changes.